Friday 15 May 2020

dirilis ertugul all season links for download

dirilis ertugul

link in below..

Only season 1 is available in urdu language as of now

..ho to google..type dirilis ertugrul download kat moviehd…and download it from their mega clouds…I'd suggest install the app of mega..and then download to avoid errors..

You can watch online or download the complete series of Dirilis Ertugrul (All 6 seasons) with Urdu Subtitles here:

Turkish Drama Dirilis Ertugrul with Urdu subtitles

Not only Dirilis Ertugrul, but I’d suggest you watch its sequel, Kurulus Osman, as well. You can watch Kurulus Osman with Urdu subtitles and also download it from the same website mentioned in the link above.

Wednesday 18 March 2020

10 Hacker Movies You Should Watch: What Hollywood Gets Right

The real world of cybersecurity may not be as action-packed as the Hollywood version, but you may be surprised at the number of similarities between hacker movies and what goes on in the real world. The characters are a bit stereotyped but are not necessarily far off from the personalities of authentic hackers and programming ingenues. Hacker films often include more action and intrigue; it’s usually a high stakes game with millions of dollars or the fate of nations hanging in the balance. While not all real-life hacking scenarios are nail biters, the scenes and story lines of the movies are inspired by what has happened or by what’s possible.
In selecting the top 10 hacker movies for our list, we had some internal discussion (because as techies, we’re obviously the best ones to judge), and came up with these as the must-see films you should watch. We also took the time to address what they get right and wrong about real life hacking.

1. WarGames

Premiering in 1983, WarGames was one of the first hacker movies. Its protagonist is a high school student named David, a slacker who happens to also be a computer genius. While attempting to hack into a computer game company, he comes upon a system that doesn’t identify itself but allows him to play games. When he reaches an impasse, he learns from others about a backdoor password.
Soon, he’s playing a new game, except this is no game. It’s actually a nuclear missile platform. Eventually the computer system becomes intelligent with a desire to win the war. War is avoided as the program slowly learns that there are no winners. What makes this movie iconic to the hacker community is that David looks somewhat like them: exceptionally bright yet bored by traditional school. He’s curious and intuitive, two traits that characterize many in the profession. While David had no ill intent, he was very willing to keep pushing through the system, his curiosity never fully quenched.

2. Blackhat

Blackhat opens with a hacker breaching a nuclear plant’s infrastructure, making it explode. The blackhat in this story is like any blackhatter, he’s hacking into systems as a means for monetary gain and attacking others. The Blackhat is pursued by a Chinese officer and his red hat former programming partner, who has been incarcerated for criminal crimes but is allowed out to catch the hacker before greater harm is done. In this story, there are multiple sides to the hacker experience: the villain is the blackhat, the officer has the moral compass, and the red hat has a past of previous crimes but considers himself neither good nor bad.

3. Live Free or Die Hard

The hero of the franchise, McClane, is now hunting cyber terrorists who have been hacking into government and commercial computers in order to start a “fire sale” of financial assets. Live Free or Die Hard finds its origins in an article in Wired Magazine by John Carlin, A Farewell to Arms, which depicts the plausibility of hacking into such systems to bring the world to a halt. The movie may be the most probable of any in the hacking genre as so much of the world’s infrastructure depends on technology and there are so many weaknesses that can be exploited. While the hero isn’t a computer expert, he finds help in that department with the movie depicting the infrastructure takeover with veracity.

4. The Matrix

One of the biggest phenomenons ever that redefined the action genre, The Matrix is a hacker movie at heart. It features gifted Neo searching for answers, hacking further and further until he realizes the world is the computer program. Like any hacker, he seeks to learn the truth about reality, finding that the world, as he knows it, is no longer and that machines are in charge. The Matrix, however, is not novel in its approach to personify machines and make them the antagonist. It did, however, introduce how a hacker could defeat them from within.

5. Sneakers

In this film, the backstory is about the authentic and confirmed threat of government surveillance. Sneakers tells the story of a group of security system experts, who are forced to steal a decryption device for the government. The team can be seen as whitehats, the good guys that use hacking as a defense or a means to help find information. This film from the early 90s may have been before its time, as high-level surveillance by government entities has been found to be very real.

6. Hackers

Before the days of smartphones and Wi-Fi, the movie Hackers introduced many to the internet. Its plot reflects the ideals of the Hacker Manifesto, which is quoted in the film, “This is our world now…You call us criminals… Yes, I am a criminal. My crime is that of curiosity.”
This crew of teenagers show many of the characteristics that non-tech people tend to ascribe to hackers. They are highly intelligent and love the challenge of the hack. They also don’t have any malice in mind. It’s more of a game to them, but when put in the situation of doing the wrong or right thing, they chose to do the right thing, but on their terms.

7. Takedown

Takedown is based on the true story of infamous hacker Kevin David Mitnick and his nemesis Tsutomu Shimomura. This hacker movie paints the picture that Mitnick was the blackhat while Shimomura was the whitehat. Mitnick did eventually go to prison, but the real story is probably more nuanced than just black and white. The movie offers a fairly accurate background of the world of hacking and why it’s so alluring for certain impulsive and savant type personalities.

8. Tron

Tron is another early entry to the hacking genre and has a plot that has many shades of fantasy and science fiction. A formerly employed software engineer, Kevin Flynn, seeks to hack his old company. But he is foiled by the mainframe system. Other programmers attempt to access the system only to learn the computer has become self-aware and power hungry. Flynn is trying to find evidence that the company stole his ideas. After breaking into the company and interacting with the mainframe, it digitizes him, and he becomes part of the program. Flynn is a multi-dimensional character, neither all good or bad, which makes him relatable. The sequence of him in the program is definitely for entertainment purposes, as this probably isn’t possible (but who knows about the future).

9. The Fifth Estate

The Fifth Estate is an unauthorized account of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. The movie portrays Assange as both an egoist and idealist, who wants to change the world by exposing information. Assange had a list of systems he had broken into before being caught, including the Pentagon, NASA, and Citibank. Assange considered his hacking to be online activism, believing that citizens had a right to know certain things, however, this didn’t make it any less illegal. The movie is based on the experiences of journalist Daniel Domscheit-Berg, who was Assange’s partner in the beginning but later parted with him believing Assange to be selfish and evil.

10. Untraceable

Two cybercrime agents for the FBI spend their nights fighting identity theft until they are led to the website, from an anonymous tip,, in Untraceable. The mastermind behind the site has built it as a fail-safe. If one server is closed, another server replaces it immediately. The hacker has set the site up to encourage others to kill with him. He kidnaps victims and tortures them based on the engagement of others, eventually killing them. What this movie really brings to light is the public’s obsession with technology and online activity (and this was even before the social media age). While the plot is a little outlandish, it does make anyone who uses technology on a regular basis consider that it can bring both advantages and devastation.

Hacking Isn’t Just in the Movies

The exciting and often dangerous life of a hacker as depicted in our list of hacker movies isn’t necessarily the reality. However, there are ways to use hacking skills in the real world to make a real difference. You may not be hunting down serial killers and battling artificial intelligence, but as an ethical hacker, you could help protect and safeguard the personal information and confidential data of millions.
Those that excel in hacking are those with a curious mind, always asking why and investigating further. Being a white hat means being multiple steps ahead of the criminals or catching up to them quickly. The world of information technology evolves and changes every day. So, does its criminals. That’s why society needs intelligent, nimble minds to beat black hat hackers at their own game.
To become an ethical hacker, you’ll want to become a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH). This requires passing a test, for which you will want to take a course for preparation. Alpine Security offers a pass guarantee CEH class, which covers 18 of the most current security domains any ethical hacker will ever want to know. In 18 thorough modules, the course covers over 270 attack technologies. We invite you to learn more about our CEH class and the opportunities for an ethical hacking career.

Top 10 Hacker Movies

Hollywood has a knack for influencing public opinion on many different topics. It’s been doing just that for over a century, and hackers have been no exception.
The 1980s saw a rise in hackers being featured on the big screen. Sometimes they were white hats, portrayed as near superheroes saving the day; other times, they were crackers — bad guys posing a threat to society.
In either case, to say that the portrayal of hackers and security professionals in hacker movies is accurate would certainly be an overstatement, but the mere presence of the CFAA, CCC and Anonymous means their influence is undeniable.
From cult favorites and B-movies to big Hollywood blockbusters, these movies are always fun to watch. At the very least, they offer an amusing view of computer hackers and their obvious love for Nmap.

A list of the best hacker movies ever made

Most of these movies are action-packed and a thrill to watch. Some even border hilarious, having aged less gracefully than others thanks to their particular views on the future of technology and ethical hacking.
As security professionals, we can at least be flattered that we’ve inspired so many movies over the past few decades.
So now it’s time for the main feature…our list of the top 10 hacker movies:

1. The Matrix (1999)

The Matrix It’s no surprise that The Matrix comes in at number one.
The Matrix might not be a hacker movie per se, but the way it tackles the existential riddle of living in a computer simulation, and its depiction of an advanced and oppressive AI, make it a truly iconic movie.
We’re living in a world that grows more connected every day, and the question of how much of reality we actually see remains a provocative and relevant discussion. One might even say that The Matrix and the metaphors it presents have influenced more people to question reality than they would have otherwise.
The movie follows Thomas A. Anderson, a computer programmer by day and a hacker known by “Neo” at night. When he’s contacted by legendary hacker Morpheus, Thomas is awakened to the world’s harshest reality: everything he has known to be real is a computer program designed to enslave humans. It’s up to Neo to win the epic battle against technology to free humankind.
We’re sure many of you have already seen this massively successful film, but for those of you who haven’t, we recommend watching it as soon as you finish reading this list.
And then ask yourself: Will you take the red pill or the blue pill?

2. Hackers (1995)

Hackers “Hack the planet! Hackers of the world: Unite!”
After the mind-bending existentialism of The Matrix, Hackers is a fantastic opportunity to sit back, relax and have a laugh. This cult classic might now be seen as satire but it’s an easygoing movie that’s still loved by many. It follows a group of young hackers who’ve hacked the wrong guy — a black hat hacker who’s designed a virus intent on igniting five oil tankers. With the fate of the world being held at ransom, this high-tech (for its time) thriller makes for a fun and satisfying hacker vs cracker story.
The plot is by no means innovative, and the hacking scenes might warrant a laugh or two (even from those unfamiliar with real-world hacking), but if there’s a movie out there that better captures the 90’s era and the way the media often portrays hackers, we’d love to see it.
The film’s techno music and counterculture wardrobe have greatly influenced the way the world sees hackers; some actual hackers have even adopted this style. Also featured are references to many cybersecurity topics including social engineering, phreaking and malicious software. Not only do viewers get a glimpse of law enforcement raiding young hackers, they get an in-movie rundown of the many different things that can be hacked — like sprinklers!

3. War Games (1983)

War Games Shall we play?
While this movie didn’t influence the fashion trends of young hackers, it did scare the government into passing the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) in 1986.
War Games follows David, a young computer fanatic who finds a back door to a US military computer, WOPR (War Operation Plan Response). This technological achievement was designed to predict the possible outcomes of nuclear war. Believing he’s only playing a nuclear war simulation game, David activates an all-powerful nuclear weapon control system and nearly starts World War III.
War Games, more than any other movie on this list, shows the amount of influence popular culture has, not only on the public, but on the governing agencies and the laws we have. Even if the plot doesn’t seem entirely plausible, this hacker movie presents a captivating look into the dangers of nuclear war, and the havoc insecure systems can wreak on the world.

4.TRON (1982)

TRON Now this movie is truly a classic sci-fi action piece from the ’80s, and every video game, computer and science fiction fan needs to see it. Tron features a skilled programmer who gets transported into his own game and the digital world known as The Grid, where he passes through levels and fights for his life to confront the Master Control Program.
The movie TRON was made while many special effects were still in their infancy, so they might actually seem comical. And while the weak writing and acting don’t help, it’s still an entertaining experience that illustrates what might happen if you lived in a video game.
A high-profile prequel has been made, it’s spawned numerous comic books and TV series, but still…nothing can beat the original. The movie is thought by many to be ahead of its time, and here’s a fun fact: it’s a Disney movie.

5. Sneakers (1992)

Sneakers “It’s not about who’s got the most bullets, it’s about who controls the information.”
Sneakers is another entertaining movie from the 90’s that, in contrast to Hackers, is more technically accurate with a more serious feel. The plot finds students Martin Brice and Cosmo hacking into networks at their university and stealing funds to donate to social causes. Cosmo is arrested and goes into hiding.
Years later, Martin, who now calls himself Martin Bishop, is running a team of physical penetration testers when they are approached by the NSA. He doesn’t agree to their demands, but is blackmailed by the officers (aware of Martin and Cosmo’s former identities) who need to recover a secret black box. The team braves fights with enemies and encounters interesting situations that dredge up old memories.
The cast is amazing and it’s a must-see for anyone looking for a good hacker movie. While on the surface it’s an action flick, a number of cheerfully comical scenes make it a fun watch. And along with a depiction of right versus wrong, we get a look at the early days of penetration testers, back when they were testing physical attack vectors.

6. 23 (1998)

23 Maybe the movie 23 hasn’t exactly influenced the public, but it was loosely based on the incident surrounding the German Chaos Computer Club (CCC) and Karl Koch. 23 explores the cyberespionage case in which Karl Koch was arrested for breaking into US government computers and planning to sell their source codes to the KGB.
The movie highlights the events leading to this incident, and the players involved: Karl is a young hacker living in post-Cold War Germany. With the help of his friend and a strong belief in social justice, they begin breaking into all kinds of systems, including the US government and corporate entities.
To make money off of their hacking, they decide to sell their information to the KGB. Pressured by having to perform better hacks, Karl succumbs to drugs. During one drug-driven delusion he hacks a nuclear power plant which leads to an explosion in Chernobyl. He then breaks down and enrolls in the witness-protection program to flee from the KGB’s threats. Later, Karl’s body is found, burned in a forest.
This is not an action movie created to entertain you with its views of technology and hacking portals. 23 is decidedly more of a drama, exploring the early days of hacking, crackers and the darker side of their story.

7. Ghost in the Shell (1995)

Ghost in the Shell The list wouldn’t be complete without one animated feature, and to many this is the pinnacle of Japanese animation films, often cited as the bestever. This cyberpunk anime is based on the manga of the same name: Ghost in the Shell.
The story follows cyborg Motoko Kusanagi, an officer who works for a police division that deals with cybercrime. He’s hot on the trail of a hacker known as the Puppet Master, who hacks into the brains of cyborgs. As with many anime films, philosophical metaphors and topics are woven into the story and as the plot progresses, the question of who is doing the hunting becomes more difficult to answer, and the story draws us in even deeper.
This film has influenced many others of a similar genre, but it stands the test of time and remains relevant to this day. Any anime fan, or anyone interested in diving into this genre needs to see Ghost in the Shell.

8. Mr. Robot (2015–)

Mr. Robot Okay, Mr. Robot isn’t a movie, but it’s series television’s most recent venture into the cybercrime genre. It’s been widely praised for its accurate technical portrayal of information security and data privacy as we know them today.
The plot revolves around Elliot, a cybersecurity engineer by day and a vigilante hacker by night. After he is approached by a young woman, Elliot becomes acquainted with a man who calls himself Mr. Robot, who tells him about the about E-Corp, an organization Mr. Robot believes is trying to control the world. Elliot finds himself in a moral dilemma, as that is the company he is paid to protect.
This hit TV series has shed new light on information security the public’s stance towards it. Mr. Robot reveals not only the real implications of data protection and cybersecurity, but also what may be the most technically accurate representation of that community’s everyday life. It’s thought of as one of the best series on information security and if you haven’t tuned into Mr. Robot yet, we strongly suggest you do it now. You’ll have enough seasons for a weekend binge!

9. Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol (2011)

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol In this fourth installment of the Mission: Impossible series we see a lot of hacking, hijacking and everything else that brings joy to the security professionals who love this series. Just as in all the other movies in the franchise, Ghost Protocol is action-packed from the very start. You’ll see iPhones used to crack door codes, hijack networks, break into a prison’s security system and other scenes of glorious hacking action.
The story focuses on Tom Cruise’s Ethan Hunt and the IMF, an organization wrongly accused of an explosion. In the mix is Hendricks, whose access to Russian nuclear launch codes fuels his plans to launch an attack on the US. Promptly, Ghost Protocol is invoked, which means a stop to the IMF.
This movie is great fun for all the action lovers out there. And its decidedly high-tech hacking scenes make it a highly entertaining hacker movie to watch.h.

10. The Net (1995)

The Net The Net is a B-movie dream. It isn’t a “good” movie, and has a laughable plot, but it’s another opportunity to have a laugh while seeing what the world thought of the Internet back in 1995.
The story follows Angela Bennett, a computer expert and systems analyst who lives here life on the Net, with very few friends aside from her virtual ones. She’s sent a program to debug and, in the process, discovers the confidential databases of different government agencies. While on vacation, her identification documents are stolen — along with her entire identity. The people behind all of this are, of course, the evil hackers.
This one hasn’t really aged that well and many parts of it seem clichĆ© today. It does, however, share a look into the world at the time, and the fears many had of a frighteningly-connected Internet.
Good thing it’s only a movie, right?


Many of these hacker movies don’t paint a realistic picture of cybersecurity and the hacker scene — you won’t learn any new pen testing techniques, for instance — but they are truly fun to watch. Whether you seek Friday-night entertainment with a little light counterculture comedy, or you want to enjoy a mind-bending thriller that prompts you to question your reality, this list has it all.

Have we missed any titles you think belong on this list? Share your thoughts with us on Twitter and stay tuned for more lists of pop culture representations of the Internet, infosec and cybersecurity folk.
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Tuesday 17 March 2020

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