Thursday 23 March 2023

The Future of AI


If it feels like the future of AI is a rapidly changing landscape, that’s because the present innovations in the field of artificial intelligence are accelerating at such a blazing-fast pace that it’s tough to keep up.

Indeed, artificial intelligence is shaping the future of humanity across nearly every industry. It is already the main driver of emerging technologies like big data, robotics and IoT — not to mention generative AI, with tools like ChatGPT and AI art generators garnering mainstream attention — and it will continue to act as a technological innovator for the foreseeable future. 

Roughly 44 percent of companies are looking to make serious investments in AI and integrate it into their businesses. And of the 9,130 patents received by IBM inventors in 2021, 2,300 were AI-related.

It seems likely that AI is going to (continue to) change the world. But how, exactly?

More on the Future of AI Can AI Make Art More Human?


The Evolution of AI

AI’s influence on technology is due in part because of how it impacts computing. Through AI, computers have the ability to harness massive amounts of data and use their learned intelligence to make optimal decisions and discoveries in fractions of the time that it would take humans.

AI has come a long way since 1951, when the first documented success of an AI computer program was written by Christopher Strachey, whose checkers program completed a whole game on the Ferranti Mark I computer at the University of Manchester.

Since then, AI has been used to help sequence RNA for vaccines and model human speech, technologies that rely on model- and algorithm-based machine learning and increasingly focus on perception, reasoning and generalization. With innovations like these, AI has re-taken center stage like never before — and it won’t cede the spotlight anytime soon. 


What Industries Will AI Change? 

There’s virtually no major industry that modern AI — more specifically, “narrow AI,” which performs objective functions using data-trained models and often falls into the categories of deep learning or machine learning — hasn’t already affected. That’s especially true in the past few years, as data collection and analysis has ramped up considerably thanks to robust IoT connectivity, the proliferation of connected devices and ever-speedier computer processing.

“I think anybody making assumptions about the capabilities of intelligent software capping out at some point are mistaken,” David Vandegrift, CTO and co-founder of the customer relationship management firm 4Degrees, said.

With companies spending billions of dollars on AI products and services annually, tech giants like Google, Apple, Microsoft and Amazon spending billions to create those products and services, universities making AI a more prominent part of their curricula and the U.S. Department of Defense upping its AI game, big things are bound to happen. 

“Lots of industries go through this pattern of winter, winter, and then an eternal spring,” former Google Brain leader and Baidu chief scientist Andrew Ng told ZDNet. “We may be in the eternal spring of AI.”

Some sectors are at the start of their AI journey, others are veteran travelers. Both have a long way to go. Regardless, the impact AI is having on our present day lives is hard to ignore.


AI in Transportation

Transportation is one industry that is certainly teed up to be drastically changed by AI. Self-driving cars and AI travel planners are just a couple of facets of how we get from point A to point B that will be influenced by AI. Even though autonomous vehicles are far from perfect, they will one day ferry us from place to place.


AI in Manufacturing

Manufacturing has been benefiting from AI for years. With AI-enabled robotic arms and other manufacturing bots dating back to the 1960s and 1970s, the industry has adapted well to the powers of AI. These industrial robots typically work alongside humans to perform a limited range of tasks like assembly and stacking, and predictive analysis sensors keep equipment running smoothly. 


AI in Healthcare

It may seem unlikely, but AI healthcare is already changing the way humans interact with medical providers. Thanks to its big data analysis capabilities, AI helps identify diseases more quickly and accurately, speed up and streamline drug discovery and even monitor patients through virtual nursing assistants. 


AI in Education

AI in education will change the way humans of all ages learn. AI’s use of machine learning, natural language processing and facial recognition help digitize textbooks, detect plagiarism and gauge the emotions of students to help determine who’s struggling or bored. Both presently and in the future, AI tailors the experience of learning to student’s individual needs.


AI in Media

Journalism is harnessing AI too, and will continue to benefit from it. One example can be seen in The Associated Press’ use of Automated Insights, which produces thousands of earning reports stories per year. But as generative AI writing tools, such as ChatGPT, enter the market, questions about their use in journalism abound.


AI in Customer Service

Most people dread getting a robo-call, but AI in customer service can provide the industry with data-driven tools that bring meaningful insights to both the customer and the provider. AI tools powering the customer service industry come in the form of chatbots and  virtual assistants.

Video: CrashCourse


The Impact of AI on Society


During a lecture at Northwestern University, AI expert Kai-Fu Lee championed AI technology and its forthcoming impact while also noting its side effects and limitations. Of the former, he warned:

“The bottom 90 percent, especially the bottom 50 percent of the world in terms of income or education, will be badly hurt with job displacement … The simple question to ask is, ‘How routine is a job?’ And that is how likely [it is] a job will be replaced by AI, because AI can, within the routine task, learn to optimize itself. And the more quantitative, the more objective the job is—separating things into bins, washing dishes, picking fruits and answering customer service calls—those are very much scripted tasks that are repetitive and routine in nature. In the matter of five, 10 or 15 years, they will be displaced by AI.”

In the warehouses of online giant and AI powerhouse Amazon, which buzz with more than 100,000 robots, picking and packing functions are still performed by humans — but that will change.

Lee’s opinion was echoed by Infosys president Mohit Joshi, who told the New York Times, “People are looking to achieve very big numbers. Earlier they had incremental, five to 10 percent goals in reducing their workforce. Now they’re saying, ‘Why can’t we do it with one percent of the people we have?’”

On a more upbeat note, Lee stressed that today’s AI is useless in two significant ways: it has no creativity and no capacity for compassion or love. Rather, it’s “a tool to amplify human creativity.” His solution? Those with jobs that involve repetitive or routine tasks must learn new skills so as not to be left by the wayside. Amazon even offers its employees money to train for jobs at other companies.

“One of the absolute prerequisites for AI to be successful in many [areas] is that we invest tremendously in education to retrain people for new jobs,” said Klara Nahrstedt, a computer science professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign and director of the school’s Coordinated Science Laboratory.

She’s concerned that’s not happening widely or often enough. Marc Gyongyosi, founder of Onetrack.AI, is even more specific.

“People need to learn about programming like they learn a new language,” he said. “And they need to do that as early as possible because it really is the future. In the future, if you don’t know coding, you don’t know programming, it’s only going to get more difficult.”

While many of those who are forced out of jobs by technology will find new ones, Vandegrift said, that won’t happen overnight. As with America’s transition from an agricultural to an industrial economy during the Industrial Revolution, which played a big role in causing the Great Depression, people eventually got back on their feet. The short-term impact, however, was massive.

“The transition between jobs going away and new ones [emerging],” Vandegrift said, “is not necessarily as painless as people like to think.”  

Mike Mendelson, a learner experience designer for NVIDIA, is a different kind of educator than Nahrstedt. He works with developers who want to learn more about AI and apply that knowledge to their businesses.

“If they understand what the technology is capable of and they understand the domain very well, they start to make connections and say, ‘Maybe this is an AI problem, maybe that’s an AI problem,’” he said. “That’s more often the case than ‘I have a specific problem I want to solve.’”


The Near Future of AI

In Mendelson’s view, some of the most intriguing AI research and experimentation that will have near-future ramifications is happening in two areas: “reinforcement” learning, which deals in rewards and punishment rather than labeled data; and generative adversarial networks (GAN for short) that allow computer algorithms to create rather than merely assess by pitting two nets against each other. The former is exemplified by the prowess of Google DeepMind’s AlphaGo Zero, the latter by original image or audio generation that’s based on learning about a certain subject like celebrities or a particular type of music.

On a far grander scale, AI is poised to have a major effect on sustainability, climate change and environmental issues. Ideally and partly through the use of sophisticated sensors, cities will become less congested, less polluted and generally more livable. 

“Once you predict something, you can prescribe certain policies and rules,” Nahrstedt said. Such as sensors on cars that send data about traffic conditions could predict potential problems and optimize the flow of cars. “This is not yet perfected by any means,” she said. “It’s just in its infancy. But years down the road, it will play a really big role.”



Of course, much has been made of the fact that AI’s reliance on big data is already impacting privacy in a major way. Look no further than Cambridge Analytica’s Facebook shenanigans or Amazon’s Alexa eavesdropping, two among many examples of tech gone wild. Without proper regulations and self-imposed limitations, critics argue, the situation will get even worse. In 2015, Apple CEO Tim Cook derided competitors Google and Meta for greed-driven data mining.

“They’re gobbling up everything they can learn about you and trying to monetize it,” he said in a 2015 speech. “We think that’s wrong.”

Later, during a talk in Brussels, Belgium, Cook expounded on his concern.

“Advancing AI by collecting huge personal profiles is laziness, not efficiency,” he said. “For artificial intelligence to be truly smart, it must respect human values, including privacy. If we get this wrong, the dangers are profound.”

Plenty of others agree. In a 2018 paper published by UK-based human rights and privacy groups Article 19 and Privacy International, anxiety about AI is reserved for its everyday functions rather than a cataclysmic shift like the advent of robot overlords.

“If implemented responsibly, AI can benefit society,” the authors wrote. “However, as is the case with most emerging technology, there is a real risk that commercial and state use has a detrimental impact on human rights.”

The authors concede that the collection of large amounts of data can be used for trying to predict future behavior in benign ways, like spam filters and recommendation engines. But there’s also a real threat that it will negatively impact personal privacy and the right to freedom from discrimination.


Preparing for the Future of AI


Speaking at London’s Westminster Abbey in late 2018, internationally renowned AI expert Stuart Russell joked (or not) about his “formal agreement with journalists that I won’t talk to them unless they agree not to put a Terminator robot in the article.” 

His quip revealed an obvious contempt for Hollywood representations of far-future AI, which tend toward the overwrought and apocalyptic. What Russell referred to as “human-level AI,” also known as artificial general intelligence (AGI), has long been fodder for fantasy. But the chances of its being realized anytime soon, or at all, are pretty slim.

“There are still major breakthroughs that have to happen before we reach anything that resembles human-level AI,” Russell explained. 

Russel also pointed out that AI is not currently equipped to fully understand language. This shows a distinct difference between humans and AI at the present moment: Humans can translate machine language and understand it, but AI can’t do the same for human language. However, if we reach a point where AI is able to understand our languages, AI systems would be able to read and understand everything ever written. 

“Once we have that capability, you could then query all of human knowledge and it would be able to synthesize and integrate and answer questions that no human being has ever been able to answer,” Russell added, “because they haven’t read and been able to put together and join the dots between things that have remained separate throughout history.”

This offers us a lot to think about. On the subject of which, emulating the human brain is exceedingly difficult and yet another reason for AGI’s still-hypothetical future. Longtime University of Michigan engineering and computer science professor John Laird has conducted research in the field for several decades.

“The goal has always been to try to build what we call the cognitive architecture, what we think is innate to an intelligence system,” he says of work that’s largely inspired by human psychology. “One of the things we know, for example, is the human brain is not really just a homogenous set of neurons. There’s a real structure in terms of different components, some of which are associated with knowledge about how to do things in the world.”

That’s called procedural memory. Then there’s knowledge based on general facts, a.k.a. semantic memory, as well as knowledge about previous experiences (or personal facts) which is called episodic memory. One of the projects at Laird’s lab involves using natural language instructions to teach a robot simple games like Tic-Tac-Toe and puzzles. Those instructions typically involve a description of the goal, a rundown of legal moves and failure situations. The robot internalizes those directives and uses them to plan its actions. As ever, though, breakthroughs are slow to come — slower, anyway, than Laird and his fellow researchers would like.

“Every time we make progress,” he says, “we also get a new appreciation for how hard it is.”

Video: Science Time


Is AGI a Threat to Humanity? 

More than a few leading AI figures subscribe (some more hyperbolically than others) to a nightmare scenario that involves what’s known as “singularity,” whereby superintelligent machines take over and permanently alter human existence through enslavement or eradication.

The late theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking famously postulated that if AI itself begins designing better AI than human programmers, the result could be “machines whose intelligence exceeds ours by more than ours exceeds that of snails.” Elon Musk believes and has warned that AGI is humanity’s biggest existential threat. Efforts to bring it about, he has said, are like “summoning the demon.” He has even expressed concern that his pal, Google co-founder Larry Page could accidentally shepherd something “evil” into existence despite his best intentions.

Even Gyongyosi rules nothing out. He’s no alarmist when it comes to AI predictions, but at some point, he says, humans will no longer need to train systems; they’ll learn and evolve on their own.

“I don’t think the methods we use currently in these areas will lead to machines that decide to kill us,” Gyongyosi said. “I think that maybe five or 10 years from now, I’ll have to reevaluate that statement because we’ll have different methods available and different ways to go about these things.

While murderous machines may well remain fodder for fiction, many believe they’ll supplant humans in various ways.

Oxford University’s Future of Humanity Institute published the results of an AI survey. Titled “When Will AI Exceed Human Performance? Evidence from AI Experts,” it contains estimates from 352 machine learning researchers about AI’s evolution in years to come.

There were lots of optimists in this group. By 2026, a median number of respondents said, machines will be capable of writing school essays; by 2027 self-driving trucks will render drivers unnecessary; by 2031 AI will outperform humans in the retail sector; by 2049 AI could be the next Stephen King and by 2053 the next Charlie Teo. The slightly jarring capper: By 2137, all human jobs will be automated. But what of humans themselves? Sipping umbrella drinks served by droids, no doubt.

Diego Klabjan, a professor at Northwestern University and founding director of the school’s Master of Science in Analytics program, counts himself an AGI skeptic.

“Currently, computers can handle a little more than 10,000 words,” he said. “So, a few million neurons. But human brains have billions of neurons that are connected in a very intriguing and complex way, and the current state-of-the-art [technology] is just straightforward connections following very easy patterns. So going from a few million neurons to billions of neurons with current hardware and software technologies — I don’t see that happening.”


How Will We Use AGI?

Klabjan also puts little stock in extreme scenarios — the type involving, say, murderous cyborgs that turn the earth into a smoldering hellscape. He’s much more concerned with machines — war robots, for instance — being fed faulty “incentives” by nefarious humans. As MIT physics professors and leading AI researcher Max Tegmark put it in a 2018 TED Talk, “The real threat from AI isn’t malice, like in silly Hollywood movies, but competence — AI accomplishing goals that just aren’t aligned with ours.” 

That’s Laird’s take, too: “I definitely don’t see the scenario where something wakes up and decides it wants to take over the world,” he said. “I think that’s science fiction and not the way it’s going to play out.”

What Laird worries most about isn’t evil AI, per se, but “evil humans using AI as a sort of false force multiplier” for things like bank robbery and credit card fraud, among many other crimes. And so, while he’s often frustrated with the pace of progress, AI’s slow burn may actually be a blessing.

“Time to understand what we’re creating and how we’re going to incorporate it into society,” Laird said, “might be exactly what we need.”

But no one knows for sure.

“There are several major breakthroughs that have to occur, and those could come very quickly,” Russell said during his Westminster talk. Referencing the rapid transformational effect of nuclear fission (atom splitting) by British physicist Ernest Rutherford in 1917, he added, “It’s very, very hard to predict when these conceptual breakthroughs are going to happen.”

But whenever they do, if they do, he emphasized the importance of preparation. That means starting or continuing discussions about the ethical use of AGI and whether it should be regulated. That means working to eliminate data bias, which has a corrupting effect on algorithms and is currently a fat fly in the AI ointment. That means working to invent and augment security measures capable of keeping the technology in check. And it means having the humility to realize that just because we can doesn’t mean we should.

“Most AGI researchers expect AGI within decades, and if we just bumble into this unprepared, it will probably be the biggest mistake in human history. It could enable brutal global dictatorship with unprecedented inequality, surveillance, suffering and maybe even human extinction,” Tegmark said in his TED Talk. “But if we steer carefully, we could end up in a fantastic future where everybody’s better off — the poor are richer, the rich are richer, everybody’s healthy and free to live out their dreams.”

Sunday 20 September 2020

Monday 18 May 2020

PUBG Mobile hacks Cheat Codes, PUBG Wallhack Aimbot [Proved 2020]

PUBG Mobile hacks Cheat Codes, PUBG Wallhack Aimbot [Proved 2020]

Sharing is caring!

Disclaimer: This article has been written for educational purpose only. We don’t encourage hacking or cracking. In fact we are here discussing the ways that hackers are using to hack our digital assets. If we know, what methods they are using to hack, we are in very well position to secure us. It is therefore at the end of the article we also mention the prevention measures to secure us.

Also Interesting to Read: Top 30 Pubg mobile tips and tricks to have chicken dinner everytime

Player Unknown Battle Ground (PUBG) is one of the best selling games in the world today with over 60 million copies sold and having more than 85 million daily players. In the Game Industry, PUBG has played a vital role and the craze of playing PUBG among the kids and the youth is increasing day by day. If you are a player of PUBG than you must know the reward that you win as Winner Winner Chicken Dinner (WWCD). As the PUBG is getting more popular hackers are also looking to exploit the game features and PUBG Mobile hack is always a danger for PUBG players. Whether you are using android or IOS, hackers know the PUBG Mobile hack android and also PUBG Mobile hack IOS.

Also Read: How to Hack Websites in 2019 & How to Hack Your’s Girl Friend Whatsapp Messages

In the PUBG game the players are dropped on the ground in groups from parachute. They can then collect the various equipments such as guns, grenades, backpacks, med-kits etc. Players can find these equipments by entering in different houses and different other places. The players had to remain in safe zone always as other players can kill each other. Then in the battleground the players fight with each other and the player that gets alive till last will win the prize Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. He will also get some points as well from which he can further buy some paid equipment also.

How to hack PUBG mobile on Android No Root (2019):
The PUBG mobile hack works by simply implementing & executing PUBG hacking script on your android phone while you are playing, so that you can easily make the changes in the PUBG APK build and exploit the extra advantages as compared to other players playing the PUBG game.

Also Read: SS7 attacks and hacks to read Whatsapp messages & How to Hack Facebook Account

What PUBG Mobile Hacks possible?
Automatic Headshots of other players
Change Body Colors
Anti-Ban Feature
No Footprints
High Damage of enemies
Tools Required For PUBG Mobile Hack
Download PUBG Hacking Script From here.
Download Game Guardian from here.
Download Dual Space from here.
Download Anti-Ban Host from here.
Download Strange VPN APK from here.
Download ZArchiever from Google Play Store
Also Read: How to do Wireless Wifi Hacking

Steps by Step Guide to for PUBG Mobile Hack on Android (NO-ROOT)
Install the ZArchiever.
Extract the file of PUBG Hacking script on your Android
In the third step, install the Game Guardian, PUBG Game and Strange VPN.

In the fourth step, open the dual space and create the clones of Game Guardian and PUBG Mobile game.
Now in the fifth step, open the Game Guardian and select the PUBG hacking script to execute.
In the last step, open the PUBG mobile game and you will find the Game Guardian floating icon on the screen. On clicking over that floating icon you can do different things such as Automatic Headshots, Wallhack and many others hacks.
Top 5 PUBG Mobile Hacks
#1. PUBG Cheat Codes Mobile
PUBG the game which is so popular that everyday lots of new players added in the playing list of PUBG, the hackers are always looking to find the vulnerabilities in the PUBG Mobile hack and would like to exploit those vulnerabilities as well. It is therefore, lots of PUBG cheat codes in mobile were introduced. As a result of it, PUBG also banned number of players in June 2018 using PUBG cheat codes in Mobile.

Alert: PUBG is well secured online game and anybody that tried to make an attempt to hack it will get banned from playing the PUBG game.

Is it Possible PUBG Mobile Hack and to Cheat PUBG Mobile Game?
The answer is Yes. Hackers are using mods like pubg mobile hack aimbot, improved aim assists, wallhacks to see other players behind the wall, macros and other such cheating apps in both Andriod and IOS as well. However, it is not possible to generate unlimited Battle Points, UC, items, Crates etc.

#2. How to do PUBG Wallhack Mods?
In PUBG Wallhack, users can see enemies, vehicles, arms and ammunition, supply drops, and other vital game items through the walls. It will allow the user to loot the items easily and also allows the user to kill the enemy more easily. In this manner, the user can survive longer and can also avoid other players allowing the user to earn more points, rewards, Battle points and loot crates.  PUBG wallhack is available in modded APK or IOS mod that simply means that code of the game client can be modify to allow you to show enemies and other items.  However in June 2018, several attempts were made by PUBG to make it more secure and reliable but one can still download a PUBG Mobile Wallhack from here for free. This will allow you to remain in the game for long and you can survive in the game for a longer period of time and can also win the game easily.  One should also be cautious that using such PUBG Mobile wallhacks, you can be banned by PUBG.

#3. How to Use PUBG mobile hack Aimbot
Automatic aiming bots and apps are used to target the aim automatically and shoot for if you press down the button. It is one of the best hacks available for PUBG mobile and very rare to see as it is quite complicated to implement. Many of the automatic aimbots for both android and IOS games are available in the form of increased aim assist.  In this method, the code for aim & shoot is injected into PUBG game at client side or user side.  The “code” is accessible in the form of increased aim assist for most Android & iOS games. Aimbots are only detectable by the anti-cheat programs launched by PUBG creators where the game is hosted. If any other player report about it, you will instantly get banned.

Using Aimbot PUBG Mobile hacks has a higher risk of getting you banned as compared to other hacks or mods. If you have planned to use aimbot pubg hacks then do respect your fellow players and don’t abuse them as it will get you banned and identify you as a cheater. Other tips and tricks that you can keep in mind while using PUBG mobile hack aimbot are as follows:

Don’t shoot through the walls.
Don’t shoot the players in every go, keep it natural as if you are so accurate in shooting the enemies than you may easily be identifiable as cheater.
Set a limit between your aiming speed and shooting speed.

Don’t always shot on head. Aimbot detects graphics objects such as head, torso etc.  Set your profile with few numbers of headshots only.
Get aware of Kill cams and don’t let others know that you are using aimbots.
#4. Hack PUBG Battle Points
Battle Points are the points that count as virtual currency in PUBG Mobile game which players can earn after winning different battles.  Further, these battle points can be exchanged for crates that constitutes of different costumes. These costumes don’t provide any direct help for the players but can be helpful to hide themselves in costumes if there is similar textured environment as of costumes.

20 Battle points can be earned by killing each enemy and one can also earn more on his/her performances, ratings, rankings and shots.

One can find different websites over internet that deals in selling battle points or you can earn those battle points just by surfing few ads over internet for free.

One can earn lots of battle points in PUBG using AFK Mode i.e (Away From Keyboard).  AFK can be achieved if a player chooses a safe spot in the battleground where not many of the other players come. By being idle and hiding yourself from other players, you can achieved battle points on the basis of your long survival rankings.

It’s not a hack but a trick to earn more battle points in PUBG in which there is no danger of getting banned from the game. It’s completely safe and one can use it to in get battle points PUBG.

All the players also know that if one can increase bit of speed than other players than there is always a chance of longer survival in the game. In fact, in PUBG community forum there are lots of players complaining that other player’s speed is more than the usual one.

PUBG Mobile game speed hack can be achieved by making slight modification in the code but increase the speed only a bit otherwise anti-cheats in PUBG will identify you and will get you banned from playing the game.

The method of increasing PUBG speed is simple. All you need to do is to access the code of PUBG and make changes in the values of presets to outbound packets and send packets faster than normal.

These are the few of the methods related to PUBG Mobile hacks. Share it with your friends if you found them interesting.

How to Use Mobile Mods Hacks PUBG?
Mobile Mods are available in downloadable APK format in mobile devices and in IPA for IOS or IPhone users. Mobile mods can be stored in file manager and from there they can be installed on mobile devices. The code configuration might required you to root android device or Jailbreak iPhone.

Alert for Hackers
PUBG Developers have already made it clear that they will not tolerate anybody whosoever is making any type of modifications in the PUBG game and will banned all type of hackers and cheaters from the game. In fact more than 100 arrests have been made in case of PUBG hacking. So, be careful and play safe.

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189 Creative Blog Post Ideas That Will Delight Your Audience

189 Creative Blog Post Ideas That Will Delight Your Audience

Blog Ideas To Scare Away That Tormenting Blinking Cursor…
This list will be sure to fill your content calendar.

But remember, these are just blog ideas and if inspiration pulls you in another direction, follow it. There are different categories with tons of ideas so you can choose your own adventure.

Blog Ideas Table Of Contents:

Content Marketing Ideas
Wishes And Goals
Seeing The World Through Different Eyes
Blogging Ideas
Repurpose And Republish
Are you ready? Let’s jump in!

Content Marketing Ideas For Brand Blogs
Content Marketing Ideas for Your Brand Blog

1. How’d You Get Started In Your Career? And How’d You Get To Where You Are Today?
Answering this question is a great way for your followers to catch up on your journey. Share everything with them. You might just touch someone’s life and nudge them in a direction toward achieving their goals.

2. List And Embed Videos That Have To Do With Your Niche.
For example, if you were a blogger, you could put together a list of 20 actionable videos on how to be a more amazing blogger. Think of useful and helpful videos that will make your readers better at what they do.

3. Compile A Good List Of Posts And Links That Are Focused On One Topic.
Say you’d want to write up a post on how to do social media management. You’d find the most actionable links that you can and tag them in a list formatted blog post.

4. What Marketing Tips Didn’t Work For You?
It’s always good to know what worked. But there are many things that don’t work, so why don’t you share them so no one else makes the same mistakes?

5. Write Out A List Of FAQs.
Are you asked tons of questions? If so, write them down and answer them. If you haven’t been asked any questions, think up the things that people would probably ask about your product or service. What things could be an issue that people might need more clarity on?

6. Take An Unrelated Topic And Tie It To Your Field In Some Way.
Take something that has nothing to do with your career and turn it into something that has something to do with your career. I once wrote a guest post where I wrote about being in a complicated relationship with my characters (I write fiction as well as blogging). I basically compared writing characters to complicated relationships/friendships. It was super fun to write. Think about how you can apply this to your own writing.

7. Pitch An Influencer To Guest Post On Their Blog.
Guest posting is such a great way to get more followers and also a way to build authority. Just make sure when you pitch influencers that you put your best foot forward.

Recommended Reading: 25 Lessons From Guest Blogging For The Top Blogs In The World
8. What Sets Your Blog/Business Apart From Your Competitors?
Sometimes it can be scary when your competitors’ websites look way more amazing than your own. Maybe they are better at social media than you or maybe they have a bigger team than you which makes it easier to create more or do more.

Steps To Take:

Take a good look at your competitors’ blogs.
Write down their strengths and weaknesses.
Take a look at your blog.
What are your strengths and weaknesses? (If you feel like you can’t answer these questions without being biased, ask a friend in your niche or even a blog reader.)
How can you be better at your strengths while also covering your competitors’ weaknesses?
9. What Is The Most Creative Way That Someone Has Used Your Product?
Working here at CoSchedule, I’ve actually met some people online who’ve told me they’ve used our headline analyzer to write titles and chapter names for their books. I’d say that’s a pretty creative way to use the tool, so it’s a blog idea that could help others.

Do you have a product? If so, what is a creative way that people have used it?

10. Profile A Few Readers And/Or Customers.
Interview them. You might just learn something new about your blog or business.

11. How Do You Use Social Media For Growing Traffic And Sales?
Share how you’ve used social media to grow traffic and sales. This is a topic that many people are interested in as a way to grow their own blogs and businesses, so if you have great tips, share them all.

12. Create An Ultimate Guide.
Write up an ultimate guide to something in your industry. Teach people the tricks of the trade. They’ll be super thankful.

13. What Is The Best Part Of What You Do?
Tell your readers everything. Why do you love what you do?

14. Do A Q&A Interview With Your Team.
Write a list of questions and send it to the people on your team. This will help your readers and customers feel like they know who is behind the product.

15. Recently Hired New Employees? How’d You Come To The Decision To Hire Them?
Share characteristics and qualities that business owners or entrepreneurs should look for when hiring their team.

16. Write A Manifesto.
Jeff Goins said:

A manifesto is a great way to condense your message into a short, all-encompassing format. By reading it (if you’ve written it well), they get a fuller understanding of your core message, which you may have been trying to communicate for years.

Pull Together Your Manifesto:

What is my message?
What do I want people to know?
Why is my message important?
Choose Other Blog Ideas.

Creative Blog Post Ideas
Creative Blog Post Ideas for Your Brand Blog

17. Do A (Number) By A (Certain Age) Post.
Have you ever heard of “My 30 by 30” posts? These are really cool and help readers see into your life and business a bit, by showing your personality and uniqueness. Think of this blog idea as a bucket list before you or your business reaches a certain age.

18. Put Together A Gif-Filled Post…
Everyone loves gifs. Put together a post and use gifs for the images. Gifs have a way of adding humor and energy to posts in a way that images and graphics can’t. Or make your own with Boomerang.

19. What Would You Love To Learn How To Do?
Share pictures and what you’d like to learn, then go out and try that thing. Share an update of your experience with your followers.

20. Write A Parody Post Of Some Sort.
Bringing humor into a post can be good. It’s always fun to make people laugh. I once did a parody post with Taylor Swift’s song, “Shake It!” and I tied writing into it. It was a lot of fun!

21. Set Up A Contest On Your Blog.
After doing the giveaway or competition on your blog, share the results. Did it turn out or was it a dud?

Set Up Your Own Contest:

What is your goal? (Have a clear goal in mind. Do you want more email subscribers? Or buying customers? More social media followers?)
What kind of content do you want to have? (Think about whether it will be a skills or challenge contest.)
22. Use Questions On Forums As Blog Ideas.
Have you ever spent time on websites like Quora? There are so many people asking questions that you can use for new blog ideas.

Once you’ve written your answer in blog post format, go back to the question on Quora and leave a comment that answers the question. It’s helpful, and it could also bring some traffic back to your blog.

23. Find The Best Jokes In Your Niche And Share Them In A Blog Post.
Like I said earlier, people love humor. We like to laugh and smile. A great place to look is on Google. There are plenty of good places full of jokes.

Do this as a special post and share it on a Friday or on a day off.

24. What Adventures Does A Person In A Career Like Yours Experience?
Are there any fun adventures that you’ve gotten to go on or to be a part of while being a _____ (your title)? If so, share your adventures.

25. Seen Any Good Movies? Pick One And Tie It Into Something To Do With A Topic In Your Niche.
Write a post about how a certain character or situation in a movie has something to do with your niche. These can be a lot of fun to write. Play around with some ideas.

26. What Are Your Top 5 Distractions And How Do You Deal With Them?
Distractions aren’t fun, but sadly we have them a lot in our lives. Especially with the Internet. There’s always a distraction waiting around the corner.

Do you have a way of holding the distractions at bay? If so, share your tips.

27. Pick Out 3 Creative People Who Inspire You And Think About If They Collaborated To Make A Product—What Would It Be?
If those three people created something awesome with all their skills, what would it be? Create that and then share your process and inspiration.

28. What Scares You The Most And Why?
It’s interesting to dig into why something scares or doesn’t scare you. Share ways you’ve gotten over your fear since there are people out there who probably have the same fears.

29. What Is The First Memory That You Remember?
Do you remember your first memory? Think about it for a while and then write it up.

30. List Of Hacks
Write down the hacks to doing a certain task or job that you have knowledge in.

Think About These Things:

What steps does it take to finish your task or project?
Write those down.
Flesh out your blog outline with more detail. What are the actionable tips to doing that task or project?
31. Use 5 Words To Describe Yourself (Or Your Blog Or Business).
How would you describe yourself with only five words? Use those words as an outline for your idea.

32. Host A Blog Hop.
Pick a topic or theme. A good way to think of this is like a party. At parties, there’s usually a theme.

Write up a few rules and a schedule of events. Set up a blog hop for a certain amount of time. For each of the days, provide a daily prompt. It will pull other bloggers into the fun of writing posts on that topic. Encourage bloggers to visit other bloggers’ posts who are also a part of the blog hop.

Blog hops are a cool way to create a sense of community and also to get more comments. Have fun with it!

Choose Other Blog Ideas.

Wishes And Goals
Wishes and Goals Blog Ideas

33. How Do You Plan To Achieve Your Current Goals?
Think about what your monthly goals are. They can be personal or business related.

What are your monthly goals? (Can you break them down for your audience?)
When you write your goals, you are more likely to achieve them.
Sharing your goals will help you gain a sense of clarity and accountability.

34. What Are You Not Going To Do This _____ (Month or Year)?

Share things that you aren’t going to do in the upcoming months. For instance, do you have any bad habits or things that get in the way of you being successful? Since you probably do, your audience also probably deals with similar issues or the same ones you do.

Share a list of what you aren’t going to do this month. And then after the month is over, you could do an update email on how it went along with tips to conquer that bad habit.

35. What Is The Road To Success?
Have you ever thought about writing an inspirational post that will encourage people in your niche to stand strong and hold on while they are on the road to success?

What are things that you struggled with when you were starting out?
List those out and then give your readers an answer.
Think of yourself as a mentor of what it takes to reach success. Write it as though you were writing it to yourself when you first started working in your field.
36. What Are Your Goals For The Next 5 Years? 10 Years?
It’s always good to remember what your goals are. When you have them set out, it’s easier to see where you’re headed. It helps you sort out your vision a little more.

Here Are Some Questions To Help You Brainstorm:

What would you like to do this coming year? Personal and business related?
What needs to be finished and reached?
Does a certain amount of income need to be made?
What are some new ventures that you’d like to try?
37. Share Your Gifts With The World.
Make something and give it away for free. It will build trust. Everyone wants to be trusted.

38. Try Something New Post…
Never sky-dived? Or designed your own graphics? Write up a post where you share something new that you’ve tried. People will love experiencing the “new” factor with you. Share your step-by-step process to make it actionable or even throw some humor in there of the mistakes you made along the way.

39. Do You Have A Reading List For The Year?

Do you have a list of books that you’d like to have read by the end of the year? If so, write it down.

40. Do You Give To A Charity?
This blog idea will help people get a good feel for what kind of person you are. Share links to the charity, too.

41. What Is Your Dream Job?
Are you working your dream job? Or not yet? Whether you are or aren’t, type out what your dream job is and share it.

42. What Inspires You?
This is an easy question that opens up for some awesome creative post ideas. And why do those things inspire you?

43. Give Up Something And Focus That Time On Doing Something Useful That’ll Help You Reach Your Goals.
This can be difficult, especially when it comes to giving up something that you enjoy doing like watching TV at night or social media at certain times of the day. Then share with your readers how you handled it.

This can be so rewarding. Pick out one thing to give up and then share it with your readers on how you handled it. What worked and what didn’t?

44. What Is Your Bucket List?
What kinds of things do you want to do before you kick the bucket? Dream big. Life is full of exciting things to do.

45. What’s Your Motto For Life?
What words of wisdom do you live by? Use those as inspiration for sections and flesh out a post that shares your philosophy.

46. Who is Your Mascot For Life?
Yes, your mascot?

A mascot just like the big furry animal that boosts fan morale at sports games. If you could choose a mascot to describe your outlook on life or on your business, who would you choose? And why?

47. How Do You Schedule Your Work Week?
Walk your audience through how to schedule their work week productively. As humans, we always want to know how to get more done in a week. If you have anything that has helped you schedule your time throughout the week, put that into the post.

48. Celebrate Your Blog’s Birthday.
Since your blog is your baby, you don’t want to just talk about the blog the whole time in your post. Find a way to turn it into an actionable post that people can still learn from.

Extra Fun Tip: Make a downloadable gift and give it away in exchange for emails. This will make them feel special, while also helping you grow your blog following.
Choose Other Blog Ideas.

Ideas to Change Your Perspective
Ideas to Change Your Perspective For Your Brand Blog

49. How Do You Work While Traveling?
Many people work remote and travel with their work now. It really helps to see how others work and reach their goals while they’re traveling. Share your tips.

50. Give A Rant About Something.
Does something bother you right now? Write up a rant about it.

51. What Life Events Shaped You Into Who You Are?
If you could think about all the events that unfolded in your life, which ones shaped you into who you are now?

52. Love Traveling? If So, Share Your Experiences.
Do you travel a lot? If so, use this for inspiration. Share where the best places are to eat. How about that great bed and breakfast you went to in Ireland?

53. What’s A Current Frustration Of Yours? Share It With Your Followers.
Controversial blog posts do really well. They can be difficult to write and they aren’t for everyone, but if you feel led to, don’t fear. Go out and do it. Because controversy gets traffic.

54. What Are Your Traditions?
Write up your traditions. These could be family or business traditions.

55. What Advice Has Stuck With You For A Long Time? And Who Gave You That Advice?
Did someone give you some great advice at a certain time in your life? Think back to that time and write down the advice as you remember it.

56. What Is The Next Vacation You’d Love To Take?
Dream away. Share the fun. Or if your blog or business is made up of a team, you could always share where each of the team wants to go on vacation next. This is another one of those blog ideas that really help an audience get to know you better.

57. If You Could Go Anywhere In The World With Anyone, Where Would You Go And Why? Also Why Did You Choose That Person?
Use your creativity and imagination with this one. You can tie this into your business or your personal life.

58. If You Could Invite 3 People To Dinner, Who Would You Invite? And Why? What Would You Talk About?
This is a different approach to the “If you were stranded with three people on an island, who would you choose?” question.

59. If You Could Have Witnessed An Event In History, Which Would You Choose? And Why?
What event in history is one that amazes you every time you think about it? Pick that one. Now, start writing about it. Why do you feel so strongly about that event? What do you think that says about you as a person?

60. Glimpse Into Your Life.
Share photos daily for a week that show a sneak peek into your life, your blog, or your business.

61. What Do You Want To Improve Upon?
We are only humans.

What are some things that you think you need to improve upon? Put those into your post.

62. How Do You Stay Healthy In Your Niche?
This could go many different ways for different bloggers. For a writer and editor, like me, I’d probably write a post about the importance of getting up to move throughout the day. Since I sit at a desk a lot, getting up throughout the day to move around is really important. What helps you stay healthy?

Some people have told me that taking reading breaks throughout their day helps refresh their minds.

63. If You Were Told You Were Going To Die On Friday And Today Was Monday, What Would You Do?
It’s always interesting to hear how people would spend their last days, if they knew it was their last days.

You learn a lot about people and what they hold important.

If you come up with certain dreams that you’d like to accomplish (if this was your last week), why don’t you think about accomplishing them? Go after your dreams and ship it.

64. Who Is The One Person That You Definitely Couldn’t Live Without? And Why?
When you share this with your audience, you’ll be letting them into your life. Let them see that you are a human behind your blog.

Choose Other Blog Ideas.

Ideas on Creating Content That Provides Valuable Advice
Ideas on Creating Content That Provides Valuable Advice

65. Spoken Anywhere Recently? (Conference, Speech, Or Lesson).
If you have, write a blog post from your speech and share it. It’s a cool way to repurpose content.

Instead of letting your speech get lost in your files on your hard-drive, use it and embellish on it by making it deeper. Share more content. You could even type it all up and schedule it to publish right after your speech gets done. Tell your audience to get the notes and other awesome tips on your website. This is also a great way to build an email subscriber list.

66. Interview An Influencer For Your Blog.
Want to get more followers? Having influencers on your blog and guest writing for other blogs can really boost your followers. It helps if the blogs you choose are actually ones that have influencer status.

67. Answer Your Readers’ Questions In Blog Format.
Has anyone asked you any questions lately? Turn their questions into blog post ideas. Write it up and help your readers solve their problems. If your readers haven’t asked any questions recently go to Quora and look for the type of questions people would ask in your niche. Use those as blog ideas.

68. What Is The Day In The Life Of A _________ (Insert Your Career) Like?
Walk your readers through the hour-by-hour day in the life of (your title). Also, don’t forget to share pictures. It’s always a lot of fun for people to peak into others’ lives.

69. What Are The Best Books In Your Niche That You’d Recommend?
Think about what books you’ve read that have been the most helpful to you in your niche.

On A Side Note: If you’re looking for similar books that you’d like to read more of, just go to Amazon and type in that book name. When you find the book, you’ll be able to scroll to the bottom of the book’s Amazon page. At the bottom, you’ll see what other people looked at/purchased that was like this book.
70. Which Skills Should Someone Have If They Want To Go Into Your Career?
This post idea is kind of like what we did here: 11 Skills To Be Successful In A Content Marketing Career.

71. What Are The Ten Commandments Of Your Career?
Think about the must-dos of your career.

What should be your commandments?
Are there things that your followers would gain from knowing your blog or businesses commandments?
Doing this helps people see what is important to you.

72. What Are The 5 Deadly Sins In Your Career?
What things would you warn people against doing in your career? Think of these as five things that are deadly to doing your job right.

What are they?

73. Come Up With A Truth Vs Lie Post.
It’s like that game where you give so many facts, sneak in a few lies, then have your friends guess what was true and what was false. Think about this post in somewhat the same way, but instead of making your readers guess, tell them which are truths and which are the lies.

74. How’d You Start Your Business, Blog, Or Freelance Career?
People always want to know how to start out in their niche. This means the nitty gritty details on how to do it all. Teach them how to start one of their own.

Ask Yourself These Questions To Get An Idea On What To Cover:

What are the steps that I took from A to Z?
What things helped me start out?
How’d I get more followers on social media?
How about email subscriptions?
Cover all the basics of starting your own business, blog, or career. If your answers are actionable and helpful, people will keep coming back for more.

75. What Kind Of Lessons Could Anyone Learn From What You Do In Your Career?
Are there life lessons that people who aren’t in your career could learn from? You might be amazed.

76. What Is The Toughest Part Of Being A ______ (Your Job Title).
It’s time to be truthful. What is the toughest part about your job?

Choose Other Blog Ideas.

Blog Post Ideas to Share Your Favorite Things
Blog Post Ideas to Share Your Favorite Things

77.  What Are Your Favorite Blogs?
Collect the links of your favorite bloggers and websites, and share them in a list post. People love finding new awesome blogs. And when you are the one to help them find all these great bloggers, they’ll remember that and that will cause them to trust you more. Which will make them come back for more.

78. Who Is Your Favorite Fictional Character, And How Do You Think You Are Alike?
Ever read a book and thought, “Man, this character is basically me!”? Use that as inspiration for a post like this. You can also incorporate this into your blog or business and personify your company or product with one of the characters by saying something like: Why My Product Is The _____ Of All Products.

79. If Your Favorite Book Hasn’t Been Made Into A Movie Yet, Who Would You Cast For The Characters?
This is a fun and a purely creative blog idea.

80. What Are Your Go-To Apps?
We are in such a digital world. You can’t go anywhere without seeing people looking at their phones or tablets. List out your favorite apps.

81. What Are Your Favorite Blog Plugins?
Write out all the awesome plugins that you are using on your blog. Make a big list of how you use them and why others should also be using them.

82. What Is Your Favorite Memory?
This one is always fun to think about. Write it down and share it with your followers.

83. What Is The Best Gift You’ve Ever Received?
This one probably doesn’t need any explanation. You know what it is.

84. Your Favorite Blog Posts From The Month.
Create a list of your favorite blog posts that helped you the most this month. You can put some of yours in this post as well as posts from other people’s blogs.

85. Best ________ (Fill In The Blank. Example: Photography) Tutorials.
Have you watched any awesome video tutorials lately? Make a list post of the best ones you’ve seen.

86. What Are The Best Events That You’ve Been To Last Year?
Are there any conferences, speakers, and/or classes that you’ve been to in the last year that you’ve really enjoyed? Share the events and make sure to link to them. Add tips for people who might want to go to those events this year so their experience will be even more amazing.

87. What’s On Your Current Playlist And What Does Your Playlist Say About You?
You can learn a lot about a person when you spend any time looking into what they read or watch or even what they listen to. What do you think your playlist says about you?

88. Create A Roundup Of The Best ______ (Topic) Posts From The Last Week.
Pick a topic and make a roundup list of actionable posts that show how to do certain things that will help your audience become better at what they do.

89. What Is Your Favorite Way To Spend A Day Off?
Describe to your followers what your favorite way is to spend a day off.

Choose Other Blog Ideas.

Ideas to Inspire Your Audience
Ideas to Inspire Your Audience For Your Brand Blog

90. What Is Your Mission Statement?
Mission statements are always great to have. They are a great way to keep your site focused on moving forward to your goals. Write up your mission statement and then share it with your followers.

91. Nobody Knows That I…
Finish the sentence.

92. What Is The Worst Thing You’ve Ever Done?
Yup. What was so bad about it? And why’d you do it? Share how you got over it.

93. Send Out A Poll, Survey, Or A Quiz Filled With Questions.
We do this every year here at CoSchedule so we’ll know what kinds of things you want to know more about. It really helps us get to know a little more about you and your goals as marketers, writers, and bloggers. Do the same kind of thing for your own niche. Once you’ve gotten the responses, make that into a blog post.

Some Example Questions:

What do you want to learn about?
What are your goals this year?
Which topics interest you more ______ or ______?
What is your job title? And what do you do?
How long have you been using _____ (product name)?
94. Are You Hosting Any Upcoming Events?
If you are planning to host any events, make sure you let your audience know.

95. Profile Your Role Model.
I love learning about people’s role models.

Here Are Some Steps To Profile Your Role Model:

First off, interview them if you can.
Share what they do for a living.
What is their outlook on life?
Why are they your role model?
96. How Do You Show Yourself Love?
Life can get hectic. How do you slow down and show yourself love? What are some tips that might help your readers love themselves more?

97. What Are You Passionate About?
Why do you love what you do? Here at CoSchedule we have a motto: “Do what you love. Love what you do!” and it’s so true. Life and work is so much easier when you love what you do. Write down what you are passionate about.

98. What Are The Top Things You’ve Learned Over The Past Year?
This could go in a few different directions. Either you could make a massive list of the different things you’ve learned this year or you could write a blog post for each idea off the list. Maybe share how to do what you’ve learned or the life lessons that a person could learn from.

99. What Keeps You Creative?
When working in a creative niche, there are times where the words flow or the ideas bubble up out of you like a fountain. But there are also those days where you lack creativity and really don’t know what direction you want to go with certain projects. This can be hard. Many people give up on their creative endeavors when this happens.

Don’t let that happen to you and your art.

Maya Angelou once wrote, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” I’ve been told by countless creatives that creativity is a lot like having a child. If major complications happen during child birth, there is a chance that the mother and the baby could both die. The same story could be said for the artist bearing an untold story. If you have a story to tell but don’t tell it, you’re hurting yourself and harming the story. You don’t want the story to die, right?

Stay creative and finish your work. Ship.

Real artists ship. —Steve JobsClick To Tweet

Share all the things that keep you creative as a writer, blogger, content marketer, artist, or graphic designer.

100. Take A Word And Write A Post Inspired By It.
Think creatively. You could even choose a couple words to use. Check out the Sunday Scribblings blog that set up a new word prompt every Sunday for some inspiration.

101. How Do You Stay Productive?
Productivity is another area in our lives that we are always trying to improve.

Something To Think About:

What kind of a lifestyle has helped you be more productive? (Example: Do you work out regularly? Do you wake up at 5 a.m. and work on your own projects before going to work in the morning?)
What things have been stopping me from being productive? (Show how to avoid experiencing those unproductive habits.)
102. If You Could Change One Thing About Your Life, What Would It Be?
It’s good to think about the things that you want to change about your life. It helps you see what you can do to become better at what you do while it will also help your audience see that you still want to improve upon things in your life.

103. What Do You Enjoy Doing Outside Of Work?
Sharing some of your life outside of work, business, and/or your blog will help people get to know you better. Sometimes it helps people to see that you are just a normal person.

104. Creative And Inspiring Quotes Related To Your Industry.
I love inspiring quotes and especially if they are related to the niche that I’m in. Other people love them for the same reason.

Basically, quotes are morsels of knowledge from another person that help with inspiration and encouragement. Encourage your audience with niche-related quotes. It also helps just knowing that others have felt the same way.

“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” —Ernest Hemingway

Choose Other Blog Ideas.

General Blogging Ideas
General Blogging Ideas For Your Brand Blog

105. What Top Things Do You Wish You’d Known When You First Started Blogging?
Start by writing a list of the top things you wish you’d known. Just brain dump all your thoughts into that list. Then use that as the backbone for your blog post.

106. Where Do You Want Your Blog Or Business To Be Next Year? How About In 5 And 10 Years?
It can be tough to try and visualize where you’ll be in more than a week. So 5–10 years can be hard to see. But this can be a great time to imagine and dream. Try to be realistic, though. Setting SMART goals really helps. You don’t want to feel overwhelmed when you realize how much is on your plate.

107. Write A Review.
Writing reviews is a great way to tell companies that you like their products, but more than that, it’s a great way to share awesome products with other people.

Do you use CoSchedule? If so, you could write a review and save 50%.

108. Write An Open Letter.
A few years ago, there was an open letter that many bloggers partook in. You’ve probably heard of it.

It was called “A Letter To My 16-Year-Old Self”. With this, think about all the things you’d tell your younger self to help them through the things you went through.

Here’s an example you can check out from Huffington Post.

109. Reach Out To Experts And Combine The Quotes Into A Single Blog Post.
Write up a post using quotes you’ve gotten from experts in your field. People love posts like these, especially if what the experts are saying is new and can’t be found anywhere else online.

110. Write A Best Posts Of The Season (Summer, Fall, Winter, Or Spring) Blog Post.
Go to your Google Analytics and look at your most popular posts from the past few months, for each season, and share them with your followers again in a recap post.

111. How Do You Get Blog Readers?
What has been the most successful way for you to build blog readers? Write down your steps and share them. Some people think it will harm them if they give away their secrets. But that isn’t true. If you give away your secrets, people are going to trust you and keep coming back to you for more.

112. Try A Photo Prompt.
Find some awesome free images on Unsplash or in this blog post. Look at some pictures and use them to inspire your post idea. This is a creativity-building blog idea.

113. Your Writing Place.
I absolutely love seeing writers’ writing places. Your followers can take away so much inspiration these places.

Share your workplace. Artists love sharing and seeing other artists’ studios, while writers love seeing other writers’ offices. Share pictures of your office, too!

If you have a turquoise writing desk, I might be jealous. :)

114. Why Did You Start Blogging?
Share what made you start blogging.

115. What Are 15 Things No One Knows About You?
Think of 15 awesome and funny things. You could also use this idea to write 15 things that no one knows about your business or product.

116. Reach Out To Friend Bloggers To See If They’d Do A Swap-A-Roo Blog Post.
Contact them to see if they’d write a guest post for you if you could write one for them.

Something to remember: Other bloggers are looking for content as much as you are.

117. How Do You Develop Your Blogging Ideas?
Write a blog post on your process for coming up with blog ideas.

118. What Makes You Unique As A Blogger?
Make a list and then focus on ways that you can show those unique characteristics and strengths more often.

119. Who Are 5 Bloggers Who Inspire You?
Write a post about it.

120. How Has Your Blogging Career Changed In The Past Year?
Share the changes, journeys, and stats. You could also share the top posts from the past year and the top comments. It’s a great way to pull your readers into your blog and to thank them!

121. Set Up A Series Of Posts.
Have a few posts that talk about a similar topic or continue a longer idea.

122. Do You Have A Team? If So, How Did You Find Them?
Share how you found your team. Was there a hiring process? Or did you find them on an outsourcing website?

123. Respond To A Tweet In Longer Form.
It can be hard to fit all your thoughts into 140 characters. Take the idea that you got from a tweet and share that in post format on your blog.

124. Give A Book Review.
Have you read any great books in your niche? If so, why don’t you write a book review of sorts on the book?

Grab some of the biggest lessons from the book that stuck out to you that you think would help your audience. Also, think about reaching out to the author of the book to share your review with them. Authors love it when people contact them to talk about their books. Who wouldn’t want to know that their writing impacted your life?

Choose Other Blog Ideas.

Blog Ideas About the Writing Process
Blog Ideas About the Writing Process For Your Brand Blog

125. What Keywords Bring The Most Traffic To Your Site? Use That Data To Write More On Those Topics.
Creating more content like your most popular blog posts just makes sense. Use a tool like Moz to understand the keywords that are helping you crush it and get new blog ideas from your best content.

126. Write A Post Where You Share Your Top Blog Posts.
Create a fun way to get your readers excited about your top posts. What else can you do to make them special?

127. Participate In A Blog Hop, Blog Roundup, Or Carnival Online.
When you participate in a blog hop, blog roundup, or a carnival you’ll have to write a blog post that has to do with a topic. Usually the blogger who is hosting the blog hop or setting up the carnival will have an overarching theme. And then you’ll have to write something about that with a topic that relates.

128. Write Your Writer’s Guidelines.
Having guest writers is an awesome way to fill up your blog with content. You just want to make sure you go about it the right way. Treat your blog like a magazine, and ask for pitches.

How To Craft Your Writer’s Guidelines:

Pitch guidelines: What do you want writers to put into their pitches? What things do you need to see from them in order to say yes to their pitch?) I would usually recommend also asking for 250-500 words of the article that they’re pitching to you. This will help you see if their writing is any good before you accept a pitch.
Other things they should send with the pitch: Their blog URL, social links, and a few writing samples.
Lay out how the guest writing process goes so the writer will know how to approach you and what to expect about the whole process.
Keep in mind what minimum-maximum length you want for your posts.
129. Create A Master List Of Helpful Amazon Kindle Books That Are In Your Niche.
When it comes to free e-books out there, there are a ton of them.

Self-publishing has opened many doors for writers, but it’s also opened the publishing doors wide open for a whole lot of not-so-good stuff as well. That makes it difficult for a person to find “good” actionable e-books that are actually free.

Put together a list post of good free e-books that you’ve found.

130. Write Something That You’ve Never Written Before.

Do you only write blog posts?

Ever thought of writing something different? Think about writing lyrics, a short story, poetry, or even a short script and then share it on your blog.

Playing around in different formats of writing will make you a stronger writer.

131. Make A Comprehensive Guide Post.
Make a comprehensive guide on a certain topic. Teach your readers the in and out to writing “how to posts” or what ever topic you decide to choose. Remember to also make it actionable.

132. Write A Memorial Post.
Did someone influential in your life or business pass away? Write up a blog post in memory of them. Share what you learned from them and how they affected your life, blog, and/or business.

133. Create A “List” Of ____.
Write a list post. List posts are some of the more popular blog posts out there.

134. Create A List Of Online Tools.
Do you use any online tools? If so, write up a list of the most helpful tools you’ve found and use.

135. Write A Checklist On How To ________ (Fill In The Blank).
We just recently published a post here on the CoSchedule blog that was a checklist. These are fun posts to write. Just walk your readers through the process of doing something in a checklist format.

136. A-Z Post.
Have you ever seen those posts where bloggers do the A-Z posts on certain topics? There are a few ways that you could go about using this for blog ideas.

First, you could write one post with a list from A-Z and then list words that start with that letter. Or you could write a blog post for each letter. That would be a ton of blog ideas once you got through the whole alphabet.

137. 100 Things…
100 things you love, 100 things you enjoy, or 100 tools you swear by.


Ideas For Repurposing Blog Content

Ideas for Repurposing Blog Content For Your Brand Blog

138. Thank Your Audience And Give Them Something Special For Being Awesome.
Thank your readers. They’re reading your blog posts, so thank them. Give away something special to them for being awesome. They will definitely be thinking, “What’s in it for me?” every time they read a post on your blog. That’s just something to keep on your mind whenever you come up with new blog ideas.

139. Put Your Best Blog Posts Into A Free Ebook.
Do you have a lot of blog posts covering a certain topic? If so, compile them into one document. Ask a designer to make a cool cover through Behance or Dribbble, or just make your own with Canva.

When you’re done with the book, write up another post covering some awesome tips from all the posts that you compiled into the ebook. Put a call to action in there where people can sign up for the book, and grow that email list.

140. Write A Handwritten Letter Or Sketch Something To Share.
Write a blog post and then write a few quotes from your blog post by hand. Scan it and then upload those into your posts. This will add a new creative twist to your blog post.

141. Let People Hear Your Voice.
Turn your posts into downloadable audio mp3 files. This is a fun way to be unique since people sometimes get sick of reading a ton of information. Think about having an audio area where they can listen to your post instead.

Big blogs like Social Media Examiner do this for their most successful posts using a tool called Blubrry Powerpress.

142. Live Blog A Conference.
Attend a session and write down everything the speaker says. Post it on your blog.

Share your post on social media using the event hashtag so attendees will find it.

143. Host Your Own Webinar.
Take an old blog post and make a webinar out of it. Then write a new post and then market your webinar in it.

Create And Host Your Own Webinar

Create a landing page with something like Leadpages or Instapages.
What is the benefit for people to sign up?
Give something away for free to people who sign up. Of course, in exchange for an email. Then you can send them the recording and also their free gift.
Use a program like Zoom or Google Hangouts to host and record your webinar.
Share your landing page on social media, with your friends, and email newsletter subscribers. (Be sure to use a great call to action.)
144. Are There Templates Or Downloads That Your Readers Would Enjoy Having?
Now write those up and share them freely, or use them to collect email subscribers.

Think about turning the content you already have on your blog posts into a download of some sort. Could that be a guide, or a worksheet, or even a video course?

Take a look at our Resource Library for some great ideas on things you can create.

145. Try Vlogging For A Month.
Vlogging is a great way to play around with creating new content or reshaping old content into something new. If you want to turn an old post into a vlog, go through your post and pick out the main topics that will help your audience solve whatever problem they want to solve.

Then write it out as a script. Practice a ton. Record yourself and then edit it. Once you are done with that, share it with your audience.

Tips For Vlogging:

Write your script more like an outline than an actual post. Keep sentences shorter rather than longer so it’s easier to read.
Put googly craft eyes on either side of your computer video recorder (if you are using your computer) so you keep eye contact with your audience. As a viewer, it can be distracting to watch a speaker who is always looking away or looking in the wrong direction.
146. Host A Live Workshop.
Write an actionable post about the topic that you are going to cover. Don’t cover everything you want to cover in the workshop, but share something awesome that will make them want to sign up for that course. Having a downloadable piece of content also really helps them sign up. We all really love free stuff!

What To Keep In Mind:

What kind of a workshop do you want to host? (In person? Online? A Meetup?)
Brainstorm the different topics that you’d like to cover. You can even take a post that you’ve already written. Take the key points and cover actionable tips about them.
Write your notes like an outline. Keep your sentences short so it’s easier to focus when you look down at your notes.
Talk slowly enough for people to understand you.
147. Create Infographics For Some Of Your Top-Performing Posts and Share Them
Infographics are a lot of fun for making your blog posts a little more colorful and scannable. You can learn more about making them here. Share them on social media. Pinterest loves infographics.

148. Create A Quick Reference Guide
You could also call it a cheat sheet. Fill it with tips and tricks of the trade that’ll help your audience ace the test.

149. Have You Made Blogging Mistakes In The Past?
Have you made any blogging mistakes? Make a list of all the mistakes. It would make a great what-not-to-do post.

Great Ideas For Food Bloggers
Post Ideas for Food Bloggers

150. Make A Recipe Relatable To Your Niche.
If this idea prompts you to make food and talk about your niche… wonderful! There are many ways that you could write a post and bring in a recipe.

A Few Ideas To Try:

Make a recipe for success in your niche.
Share a recipe and pictures of the food and relate it to something in your career or niche.
151. Share a Regional Recipe
Are there any types of food that are popular in your area? Share a recipe so everyone can enjoy it!

152. Show Off Your Kitchen
People like to see how others work. Show off where you make the magic happen.

153. Talk About the History of a Dish
Put on your historian cap and dig into the history of a popular food or recipe.

154. Interview a Popular Chef
Are there chefs that readers in your food niche look up to? See if they’ll do an interview for your blog.

155. Explain a Cooking Technique Step-by-Step
It could even be something simple, like the best way to dice vegetables.

156. Share How You Got Started Cooking
Inspire others with your own story about what motivated you to launch a food blog.

157. Write About Healthy Replacements for Unhealthy Foods
We all love junk food. But, what if people could have those things without the negative side effects?

158. Try Something New (And Write Your Thoughts About It)
Food is all about exploring new flavors. Try something you’d never had before, and share your thoughts.

159. Review a Cook Book
Are there any new cook books coming out you’re interested in? Write a review (and maybe even host a giveaway and send a free copy to a reader).

160. Explain How to Copy Popular Restaurant Recipes
People love going out to eat. They’d love even more to know how to copy their favorite restaurant recipes more affordably at home.

161. Compare Cooking Products or Utensil Brands
Which cooking tools are the best? Share which ones you think your readership should use.

162. Share a Story About a Cooking Experience That Failed
We all fail from time to time. Sometimes, reading about other people’s missteps can help us feel better about our own mistakes. And, sometimes sharing your mistakes can help you see what you learned from those experiences.

Beauty Blog Post Ideas

163. Search For Headline Ideas In Beauty Magazines.

Example:  Killer Cocktail: How a Popular Drink Could Kill You in Your Sleep (Change it to Killer Content Marketing Cocktail: How ______ Could Kill Your Blog In Your Sleep)

Or something like that. Be sure to check it in the headline analyzer.

164. Share Your Skincare Routine
What does your morning routine look like?

165. Talk About Your Favorite Beauty Product
And be sure to include links where people can buy them, too. If the manufacturer’s have videos on them, you can easily embed those, too.

166. Which Products Do You Travel With?
Empty out your travel bag and explain why each piece is included. Then, show your readers where to find those items themselves.

167. How Can Readers Beautify on a Budget?
Helping your readers save money is a great way to deliver value. Consider:

Sharing links to site offering deals and discounts.
Posting reader tips on making beauty supplies last longer.
168. Write About a Trend
What’s hot on social media right now? Write a blog post telling your readers the latest trends and how to copy those styles.

169. Compare Two Different Brands
Which product is best? Compare two popular products and give your own conclusion.

Photography Blog Ideas

170. Go Somewhere New
People love to see photos from interesting places, and travel can help spark creativity.

171. Snap Your Vacation
You’ve probably already brought your camera, so why not share your snaps?

172. Show Off Your Gear
Photographers love to see what others are shooting with. Share a gear breakdown of everything you keep in your camera bag.

173. Explain How to Get New Clients in Your Niche
If you’ve had some success getting clients, share the process you used to attract new business.

174. Share Photos From an Event
Make your audience feel like they were there with a compelling photo series.

175. Explain a Photography Technique
Simple how-to content often does well. From setting an appropriate f-stop to properly framing shots, there are tons of techniques you can share.

176. Write a How-To Post With Editing Tips
Show your readers how to do something specific with Photoshop, Lightroom, or other photography software.

177. Share Your Best Lighting Tip
Photography is all about getting good lighting. How do you do it?

178. The Business Side of Photography
Photographers don’t always love dealing with spreadsheets and paperwork. Show how you make it easy.

179. Create a Beginner’s Guide
New folks pick up cameras for the first time every day. Many of them go looking for tips and advice. Help them out by sharing how you got started.

180. Try Photojournalism
They say a photo is worth a thousand words. Imagine how powerful a story you could tell with a photo series on your blog.

181. Talk to a Fellow Photographer
Not only will you learn more about how they approach the craft, but the interview might make a great blog post.

182. Share Your Services
Don’t be afraid to sell and tell your audience exactly what you can do for them as a photographer.

Blog Ideas For Authors

183. Give Away a Free Chapter
If your sample is good, they’ll want to read the rest. This is also a great way to build your email list.

184. Share a Writing Tip
Write a blog post and promote it with a social campaign that shares your best writing tips.

185. Explain How to Promote a Book
Authors aren’t always the best marketers. If you’ve ever promoted a book of your own, help others learn how to do the same.

186. How Did You Get an Agent?
Landing an agent isn’t necessarily easy. If you’ve done it (and learned some do’s and don’ts along the way), offer your best tips.

187. Describe Your Writing Process
Writers love to know how other writers work. When you start to write a book or short story, how do you get started, and which steps do you follow to complete it?

188. Share Your Routine
Many authors are famous for their unusual writing routines. What’s yours?

189. Host a Writer’s Group (and Mention It on Your Blog)
Use Meetup to plan and host a regular writer’s group in your area. Then, write about it on your blog.

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